Puusepänkatu 2D, 00880 Helsinki

Muista läheistä 14.2. - lahjaideat ystävänpäivään

At the core of our operations is our state-of-the-art research unit led by Otto Manninen, Head of Water Purification. Situated in Helsinki, our lab is where we carry out all the tireless background work – testing, quality control and research – which makes for reliable products and satisfied customers.

Unique combination 

In the field of household water purification, we are the only Finnish player to have their own research unit. Equipped with the latest technologies and equipment, our laboratory combined with our advanced product development process is an unbeatable combination. We know how to recommend our customers just the right products and in our laboratory we tackle even the most complex water treatment problems.

Thanks to our scientific and process-oriented approach, our service range includes solutions for analysing tap water, well water as well as natural waters – for both consumers and businesses.

The core of our operations

Without the laboratory there would not be any AQVA product. Our lab is where AQVA products and their components are meticulously tested, so that our customers can rely on our solutions and enjoy pure, good-tasting water.

Each new product goes through a testing period under both laboratory conditions and practical use before being approved for sale.

You can read more about our product development and quality control process here.

Tilaa uutiskirje

Uutiskirjeen tilaajana saat ensimmäisenä tiedon uutuuksista ja eduista sekä ajankohtaista tietoa.
