Puusepänkatu 2D, 00880 Helsinki

Muista läheistä 14.2. - lahjaideat ystävänpäivään

We Know Clean Water

AQVA Finland is a 100% Finnish company and the number one water purification company in Finland. We base our operations on scientific research, continuous product development, our own top-of-the-line laboratory and meticulous quality control.

Our day-to-day consists of dealing with one of the most essential things: clean water. We bring affordable water filtering and cleaning solutions to homes, cottages, workplaces and restaurants. Our solutions are so convenient that it is easy for everyone to incorporate water filtration into their everyday lives. With AQVA products, you can enjoy fresh, clean water every day.

AQVA Finland was founded by CEO Juha Aalto in 2010. After more than ten years of operation, our HQ in Helsinki employs 14 AQVA professionals who are enthusiastic about their work and take the quality of your water seriously.

At the moment, we are on our way to introducing the AQVA brand to the whole world. In the near future, you can find our products on several distribution channels across Europe.

Juha Aalto, CEO

"AQVA Finland is well on its way to being a self-sufficient water company that designs and manufactures its own products, mainly in Finland. We are bringing the water purification business and product manufacturing back to Europe. We already make some of the products ourselves and the selection will expand in 2022.

I've been touring fairs and conventions all over the world since I was 16. After years of doing business in dozens of countries and on several continents, I want to take AQVA, a Finnish brand, and introduce it to the whole world. 

It is important to me that we develop our products by listening to our customers and approaching our job with great respect and careful consideration. Our work on clean water and well-being is genuinely meaningful and we want our products to be accessible to everyone. Our line of sensibly priced and carefully optimised products are suitable for everyone's everyday life; from small to large families as well as single and community residents. Clean water belongs to everyone.

I'm a lake person myself, and I love to drink water. And this was not a pitch."

Otto Manninen, Head of Water Purification

"When Juha contacted me in 2015, something clicked. His vision of water purification was an immediately inspiring one. By then, I had been working on water purification and environment-friendly technologies for about 15 years. My work had taken me to several countries around Africa and Europe where I had worked with local businesses as well as with international companies. In addition, I had strong experience in product development and laboratory equipment, along with different systems in industry, chemistry and biochemistry.

My time in Africa taught me a lot. The divergent selection of urban and natural water resorts required extensive familiarisation with different purification methods, and the know-how I had accumulated could be easily transferred to Finnish working conditions.

I am pleased that my experience and my expertise have been of such diverse use for AQVA's operations. We really put an effort into the development side of things. It has been an honour to be involved in setting up our magnificent lab, run it and be a vital part of

Water is also a big part of my free time. Whether I'm out there all by myself or with my family, sailing is one of my favorite things to do. I'm no stranger to the sea, and also familiar with lake water. It's so great that we have such a remarkable reserve of natural waters in Finland – and that the water can be filtered into pure, fresh drinking and bathing water." 

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