Puusepänkatu 2D, 00880 Helsinki

Muista läheistä 14.2. - lahjaideat ystävänpäivään


We use electronic billing and we hope to receive bills primarily in electronic form. If your business does not have the ability to deliver e-invoices or send invoices by e-mail, you can send paper invoices to the scan service. We will not receive invoices for our visit address.

Receiving e-invoices

E-invoicing address: 003723513378
Intermediate identifier when sending a banking network: NDEAFIHH

Receiving invoices by e-mail to the scanning service

We hope you will only send invoices to this address. E-mail address: 23513378(at)

Please remember, this address is only for invoices. Invoices must be sent as email attachments in PDF format. If the invoice contains attachment pages, they must be included in same file with the actual invoice.  

  • You can send multiple invoices in a single email as long each invoice with its attachment pages are in aseparate PDF‐file. Each file must have a different name.  
  • A single e‐mail must not exceed 5MB.  
  • PDF files must be genuine PDF files (PDF version 1.3 or newer).  
  • PDF invoices must not be locked or encrypted with a password.  
  • Document size must not exceed 210 x 297 mm.  
  • Valid characters for the attachment name are common signs, a‐z, A‐Z, 0‐9, please do not use special characters or spaces when you name the attachments.
Reception of invoices via e‐mail by the scanning service Please remember, this address is only for
invoices. Invoices must be sent as email attachments in PDF format. If the invoice contains attachment
pages, they must be included in same file with the actual invoice.  
The address for the e‐mail invoices:  
• You can send multiple invoices in a single email as long each invoice with its attachment pages are in a
separate PDF‐file. Each file must have a different name.  
• A single e‐mail must not exceed 5MB.  
• PDF files must be genuine PDF files (PDF version 1.3 or newer).  
• PDF invoices must not be locked or encrypted with a password.  
• Document size must not exceed 210 x 297 mm.  
• Valid characters for the attachment name are common signs, a‐z, A‐Z, 0‐9, please do not use special
characters or spaces when you name the attachments.


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