Puusepänkatu 2D, 00880 Helsinki

Muista läheistä 14.2. - lahjaideat ystävänpäivään

High-quality water is always both aesthetically perfect and safe for health: it is odourless, clear, and has been studied in case of harmful substances. Our top laboratory in Hermanni, Helsinki, offers accurate and quick water analyses so that you can ensure the quality of your water. Ordering an analysis, sampling, and delivering the sample to the laboratory has been made easy.

Water analysis - easy to carry out and order

We carry out quick and accurate water analyses of ring and drilled wells as well as tap and natural water at our laboratory using approved methods and high-quality equipment.

  • A water analysis indicates, for example, factors concerning the water’s colour, odour, and flavour, as well as any substances in the water that may be harmful to health, such as bacteria and impurities dissolving from the soil which can accumulate in the body.
  • A water analysis will also provide you with information about whether the water contains substances that may cause damage to a property’s technology, washing machines or other appliances or equipment.

We can assist in studying and interpreting even difficult challenges concerning water quality. However, we do not analyse wastewater.

Order a water analysis

Note! We only offer water analyses inside Finland.

AQVA water analysis

Order a water analysis suitable for your need here.

The water analysis sampling bottle, together with the instructions, will be sent to your chosen Posti service point.

Take a sample and fill in the form

Fill the sampling bottle with water according to the instructions; it is easy.

Take it to the post office

Place the sampling bottle and the filled-in sample form in the shipment packaging, close it securely and take it to a Posti service point. The return shipping has already been paid. Our agreement with Posti ensures that the sample will be delivered to the laboratory within the required time frame. You can also bring the water sample to us directly.

You will receive the results by email within two weeks

We will start the analysis of the sample on the date of arrival to the laboratory. The analysis will be completed within approximately two weeks, depending on the scope of the desired analysis. 

In problem situations, we provide a sensibly priced solution

If any need for purification is found in the water, you can fill in the results on our website’s filter search engine. The search engine will determine the most effortless way to clean the water and suggest suitable and cost-effective solutions. Our water experts will happily help to with any questions.

It is easy to order from our online store. You can easily order all our products from our online store. The installation and introduction of water filters are easy.

We can assist you in the regular monitoring of water quality

Since changes occur especially in well water, we recommend a check-up analysis to be carried out every two or three years. A more comprehensive analysis is recommended to be carried out every five years. In this way, it is ensured that everything is as it should be in the well.

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