Puusepänkatu 2D, 00880 Helsinki

Knowledge base

Why filter tap water?

Impurities from piping and chemicals used for disinfection can greatly affect the quality of water. By filtering, you ensure that the water in your home or holiday home is always clean and tastes good. Also, your skin and hair will feel better. Find out why filtered water supports your well-being.

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Knowledge base

Purifiction methods

From what are efficient water purifiers made of? What method is used to clean bacteria or microplastics from water, and how is salt cleaned from seawater? Learn about commonly used water purification methods such as activated carbon, ultrafiltration, and reverse osmosis technology.

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Knowledge base

Stylist’s tips for shiny hair – pure water, vibrant locks

If you’re dealing with dry, brittle hair or hair color that fades to a dull, lackluster tone shortly after your salon visit, you’re not alone. So many of us spend on hair care products only to feel that nothing is really delivering the results we want. We all want that elusive shine and healthy hair, but it can be frustrating to find effective solutions - even with high-quality products.

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musta suihkusuodatinsetti

Knowledge base

Compare shower filters and find the best one for you

AQVA's shower filters remove various impurities depending on the model, each offering unique features. The table below clearly outlines what each product filters and how they compare to competitors' models. Shower filters do vary, even if they look similar from the outside. 

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Tilaa uutiskirje

Uutiskirjeen tilaajana saat ensimmäisenä tiedon uutuuksista ja eduista sekä ajankohtaista tietoa.
