Puusepänkatu 2D, 00880 Helsinki

Muista läheistä 14.2. - lahjaideat ystävänpäivään

Nowadays, Kia, 26, sleeps well. She has used Aqva's filtering shower head for two months, and her skin is finally in good condition. The classroom teacher no longer wakes up to itchy skin or have to cover her patchy atopic skin with turtleneck collars and long sleeves.

"For the first time in my life, I have coped without spreading cortisone over my body for five weeks". It's unbelievable how much of an effect a shower head can have."

I admit that I didn't have massive expectations for the shower filter, which was said to filter chlorine, limescale, and other residues from the water. My skin problem has been so bad that I didn’t think anything could help. I thought I had tried everything.

I have suffered from difficult atopy since I was five years old. I have had to apply lotion to my skin every morning and evening. Sometimes the itching has been so severe that I have had to take medication for it. The itchiness has also kept me awake at night.

My arm and leg bends, face, neck, and the area at the back of my neck have been in bad condition. Particularly during the winter, I have had to use extremely strong cortisones on a treatment course basis. Even then, my skin has not remained good. After finishing a course, an infection has quickly occurred. Summers have temporarily been better periods.

The filtering shower head allows my skin to withstand daily showers

I have used Aqva’s filtering shower head for a bit over two months.

My leg and arm bends look so good that I can happily wear a t-shirt and even put a watch on my wrist. Before, I hadn't been able to because the skin of my wrists had been broken. My neck and the area behind my neck are also surprisingly tidy, but I still have to apply cortisone to my face - since I wash my face more often than my body.

After the introduction of the shower head, exercise has also been more pleasant. When I have been sweating, my skin has sometimes stung very much.

Before the shower head filter, taking a daily shower had been impossible. My skin could not withstand it. Now it can. After having a shower, I only need to apply a basic lotion.

The efficiency of the shower head was also a surprise to my close friends and family

Even my friends and family have noticed the difference. They have thought that I have had a strong course of cortisone and then been surprised when they have heard of the new filtering shower head. Many have been impressed by the before and after photos of my skin.

The end result has helped me in many ways. I no longer have to worry about what the patches, e.g., on my neck, look like. I remember how my patchy skin lowered my self-esteem when I was younger.

The best thing about the change is, however, this general good feeling. The constant itchiness is gone. Clothes feel good to wear, and I can sleep during the night."

Aqva’s filtering shower head removes, e.g., chlorine, limescale, iron and bacteria from tap water. The shower head is easy to install and is compatible with almost all showers. The filter is inside the shower head.

Do you also suffer from eczema or dry skin? Read more about the shower filters via the links below:

AQVA shower head filter

AQVA shower filter

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